The Bandwagon: Sunday Riley Sleeping Night Oil

Thursday, 28 January 2016 |

So we’ve all been in the situation where we see the same product being raved about on the 700th blog, and wondering what all the fuss is about. You put it in your online basket just in case, while you vow to do some research, only to click proceed to checkout at 12.30am when you’re at your weakest. This is a far far too regular occurrence in my life, and you can bet that 9/10 times when I’ve tried the cream/mascara/oil/brush I’ve been filled with regret when I realise the hype was actually sponsored bs.

So I thought it only fair that I share the success stories of my stupidity, just to do my bit to give back. This time around it’s the Sunday Riley Sleeping Night Oil (£85, SpaceNK).
I’m fully aware that this is a ridiculous and irrational amount of money to spend on skincare. Please don’t judge me, because I’m already judging myself. I first heard about its miraculous workings nearly a year ago, and I’ve waited all this time before actually buying it (which took so much willpower). So actually, I think I’ve been quite good.

This jar of dreams boasts anti-ageing and skin cell-repairing properties to name but a few, and claims to have the power to transform dull and tired skin into beautiful, healthy skin. The ingredients sound scientific and it smells super medicinal, so trust levels between me and this oil are high, guys. The first time I tried it I was slightly disturbed by its bright blue colour, so do be aware you might be walking around like the Blue Man Group for a few minutes while it sinks in.

Although it’s billed as a treatment oil, I never use it with my night cream; which isn’t to say it’s heavy, but it’s definitely enough moisture for my skin, so I use it instead of night cream. When I wake up I no longer look like a blue, oily mess, but have that glowing ‘lit from within’ vibe going on. If I weren’t so pale you’d be forgiven for thinking I’d just returned from 2 weeks in Bali (I wish). My skin is as soft and plump as a baby’s bottom, and the effects seem to last a couple of days for me, so I don’t use it every night; that way I can cherish every drop.

This is definitely a success story of my weakness for blogger hyped products. Saying that, I’m not going to tell everyone they need to buy it, because you really don’t, and it really is crazy to spend that much money on an oil for your face. But hey, if it’s your birthday coming up definitely whack it on your list. Or if you’re taking #treatyoselfday2016 early, get on down to Space NK and treat yo damn self.

Next month you’ll no doubt read my attempt to justify buying Shu Uemura eyelash curlers…

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